The Services I Offer

Culture Shaping

"Culture eats any strategy for breakfast!", the foundation of a company is it's culture, which means the belief, principles, rituals and values defining how the people in the company behaves.

Leadership Training

Leadership is about motivate and inspire in aligning goals, building great teams, create value and always improve. Using neuroscience research on how the brain works (and people behave) is the key on how I develop your leadership.

Agility Coaching

Nourish and cultivate the agile mindset of respect, collaboration, improvement and learning cycles, pride in ownership, focus on delivering value, and the ability to adapt to change. It’s this mindset that transforms groups into high-performing teams, delivering amazing results to the customers.


Gamification is about using game development tricks and mechanics that makes games fun and absorbing into organisation or non-game products to improve engagement, participation and motivation.

Business Strategy

Help develop a master plan for the management to use to secure a competitive position in the market, carry on its operations, please customers and achieve the desired ends of the business.

Board Member

Govern the organisation by broad policies and objectives and setting up a corporation and legal existence, and to represent the organization's point of view through interpretation of its products and services being accountable to the stockholders.

$138 billion

was the global market value for games in 2018.

Every 10th

game played just right now is developed in Sweden.


of employees agree that gamification makes them more productive.


of employees would spend more time on a software if it is gamified.

Me and My Accomplishments

Games Released

I've been developing games to entertained for 20 years.

Agile / Lean Journey

Started my agile / lean journey already 2006 and have now over 12 years of experience in that field by being practicing this mindset on all levels of an organisation.

This is me

This personal mindmap is a great tool, that I always use to get to really know my co-workers, to visualise and understand who I am and why I do stuff the way I do.


My curriculum vitae is a traditional written overview of of my experiences and qualifications.
